10 Things To Do With Children At Home


There seems to be a direct correlation in my household with a 3 year old that if he's bored he starts begging for food. Now that the UK Government is asking for every household to go into isolation we need to manage this hungry munchkin.

Here are our 10 top activity ideas that my wife and I use for entertaining our boy and the children she looks after as a childminder.

Play-Doh Models
Make your own Play-Doh competition with a theme such as a bakery or pets.

Colouring and Drawing
As obvious as they are it’s still a child's go to activity. You can find templates online to print and colour or set you own challenge like draw and colour your favourite place.

Junk Modelling
Kids love cutting sticking and creating. All those empty kitchen rolls are perfect to reuse and make rockets or owls.

If you can stomach any mess made with spilled ingredients. Most children love to help in the kitchen and who doesn't love eating the rewards. Baking cookies, cakes and even bread are all great things where children can roll their sleeves up and get mixing.

Books don't have to be just read while sat down on the sofa. Narratives like 'We're Going On A Bear Hunt' can be acted out as you stomp around the house reading the story and find the bear.

Treasure Hunt
This is a really popular one with smaller children. You can make a map with clues, hide items around the house and children get so excited following the map to find the hidden items.

Parachute Games
Using a light sofa throw or bed-sheet everyone holds the edge of the sheet and follow instructions. Try things such as shaking it fast, slow, up high, down low and even getting one child at a time to stand underneath.

Den Building
A favourite one in our household where sheets and cushions are used to create hideouts and dens. Get out the torches if you have them and is always a great option for hide and seek with younger children who always hide in the same place.

Dance Party
Plug in the discos lights, pull the curtains closed and put on the play list and set those dancing challenges. You can use YouTube or Spotify if you need songs and a phone or tablet to play. I tend to connect a wireless speaker for some added sound quality to the midday rave!

If you have a garden then it's the perfect time of the year to get those little hands helping to weed or plant out seeds as Spring arrives. Now is the time to sow a lot of plants such as tomatoes. If you don't have a garden maybe you have house plants that you can get them to help with.

Have fun and lets make the most of this time together with our family.

Best wishes to you all.


William Allen